Jquery dancing tags cloud

Provides functionality for create cloud with dancing tags

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Dancing tags cloud is a jQuery plugin that allow create cloud with dancing tags.

It can be usually for tags, or other elements which you want to highlight.

For example, it looks good for "Cloud of the projects" or "Cloud of the ideas".

This library requires jQuery and jQuery.UI

It's very easy use it

  1. Create container and specify width and position: relative. For example:

    <div id="dancing-tags-container" style="width: 380px; position: relative;"></div>
  2. Provide list of tags and call function dancing_tags_cloud from jQuery object:

jQuery(function($) {
    var tags = [
        {html : '<a href="https://plus.google.com" target="_blank" style="color: white;">Google+</a>', color : '#d34836'},
        {html : '<span style="color: white;">Facebook</span>', color : '#3b5998'},
        {html : '<span style="color: white;">LinkedIn</span>', color : '#007bb6'},
        {html : '<span style="color: white;">Instagram</span>', color : '#517fa4'},
        {html : '<span style="color: white;">Vkontakte</span>', color : '#45668e'},
        {html : '<a href="https://twitter.com" target="_blank" style="color: white;">Twitter</a>', color : '#00aced'},
        {html : '<span style="color: white;">Foursquare</span>', color : '#0072b1'},
        {html : 'Default color example'},
        {html : '<a href="https://youtube.com" target="_blank" style="color: white;">Youtube</a>', color : '#bb0000'},
        {html : '<span style="color: white;">Pinterest</span>', color : '#cb2027'},
        {html : '<span style="color: white;">Quora</span>', color : '#a82400'},
        {html : '<span style="color: white;">Vine</span>', color : '#00bf8f'}

    $('#dancing-tags-container').dancing_tags_cloud(tags, 200);

You can specify html content and background color for tag. Also you can specify speed of moving tags. Html is required attribute, but you can skip color.